About This Project

Because I always believed that life is good at it is but who settles for good, right? I created a bucket list, 100 Things To Do In My Lifetime, and one of the things listed on that long and unfinished list was to complete a 365 Project. And voila, here it is! I didn't have a camera with my on new year's day which is why I started this project last Feb. 14, 2012 instead of the usual Jan. 1. I'm done to less than 100 days till this project is over and I can hopefully and finally tick it of that list! :)

This is just a hobby. I am no professional photographer or photoblogger. But I try to be as creative and as presentable as I can be.

No Animals were harmed in the creation of this site.
(c)Kelsey O. Mendoza, 2012. All rights reserved.

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